The Chancel Choir. directed by Holly Oberle, leads worship two to three times a month at Sunday services and for special occasions. This is a dedicated group of men and women that rehearses on Thursdays at 1 pm in the Sanctuary. The choral repertoire is selected from a mixture of all musical periods from the Renaissance through contemporary works. The choir is regularly accompanied by the piano and organ and sometimes enhanced with instrumentalists. Leadership in the worship services includes hymns, responses, and choral works.
The Gospel Choir, led by Glenda Clay, praises God in song. They practice on Thursdays at 11:00 am and sing in worship services about every other month.
The Inter-Faith Ringers, led by Katherine Latterner, are experienced handbell ringers and lead the worship service about once every eight weeks. They rehearse on Wednesday afternoons from 1:30 pm to 2:30 pm in the Fellowship Hall.
The Generational Joy Dancers use liturgical dance as an expression of prayer and worship through body movement, accompanied with different styles of music representing the various denominational traditions in The Chapel. They inspire the congregation through the ministry of dance movements to powerful spiritual music.